Just Us Guys? Seriously?

traffic stop

“Sorry ma’am, I didn’t realize you were a Lady of the Lake- please feel free to drive as stupidly as you wish.”

The_Lady_of_the_Lake_by_HealersmoonSure, Lake Webster is the playground for men, where we can get together and do some bonding without the interference of the women but…c’mon. We all know we aren’t capable of doing all this without some behind-the-scenes assistance from the fairer sex. First and foremost, we have to recognize the wives. We HAVE to. You know why, so I’m not going to go into detail. But there are some ladies that go above and beyond, and so have earned the official award of “Lady of the Lake”. This award comes with a nifty wallet-sized card that allows the bearer total immunity from any and all traffic laws anywhere in the country, so ladies, have fun! Drive in any lane that you want, blow through red lights, and remember, speed limits are for losers!