Tony the Tiger

He's g-r-r-r-e-a-t!

He’s g-r-r-r-e-a-t!

Webster 2010 brought two new players, both destined to be superstars. First was Tony the Tiger, from the lost McCurdy tribe. Misplaced at around age twelve, he was discovered in Sunrise FL and returned home to us just in time to add the missing ingredient to McCurdy Wiffle Ball, that elusive something we had been yearning for, that one element we needed so badly: talent. Ah, our baby Cuban brother, re-joining us finally, and bringing his bat with him- that boy can swing some plastic! For the first time ever, all four brothers were playing McCurdy Wiffle Ball together, and on the same team (to reduce bloodshed.)

At first, when the rules were explained to him, Tony was a little mystified. “What?” he asked. “I don’t get it- surely there is some way that Tim can cheat.”  But that, of course, is the beauty of the game, and Tony roared into action, leading the Fab Four (motto:”Brothers Brothers Love Each Other”) to victory in two out of three games, and earning the MVP Award for his outstanding run production. It was an emotional time as we did our Victory Dance grasping each other about the shoulders and doing the high kick…..wait, that’s the can-can. Whatever.

The important thing is, we finally got to play together and I had to wipe a tear away as Tony looked at Tim and said, “Cheaters never prosper.” I’m getting verklempt- talk amongst yourselves. Here’s a topic: Pizza King- it’s neither a pizza nor a king.

I did mention at the beginning that there were TWO budding stars. Tony, of course, but the next one? Watch out for this guy, he’s poised to become the next McCurdy Wiffle Ball superstar- ladies and gentleman, I am screamingly proud to present: