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McCurdy Wiffle Ball

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How it all started:

In the summer of 1973, brothers Mike and Tim McCurdy were both realizing that, for the first time, life was going to separate them, that they would each be going on different journeys, and the only thing that would bind them would be their memories. Mike was nineteen and a sometimes college student. Tim, who had just graduated from high school, was due to enter the U.S. Marines in September. It was June and they had just three months to spend as much time as they could together.

It had never seemed important before but now nothing seemed to be more important. And they created those memories and strengthened those ties in several different ways- they arranged their summer jobs so they could eat lunch together every day, they double-dated, they attended functions together, but mostly they played wiffle ball.

Not just any kind of wiffle ball, but McCurdy Wiffle Ball- a game considerably superior to all the other wiffle ball games. First of all, there are no ghost runners because McCurdys are extremely competitive to the point of stupid. No, McCurdy Wiffle Ball had to be black and white with no real judgment involved. That also meant no balls or called strikes.

“Lo! Therein lies the perfect wiffle ball game!”

And lo, a perfect game was born, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger, and three wise men came from afar and brought gifts, telling the McCurdy boys that they had followed a star to find that perfect jewel of a game:

McCurdy Wiffle Ball

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